Make the world safer by making universally available the use of our environmentally friendly fire suppression technology.
FirePro designs, manufactures and distributes worldwide its condensed aerosol fire suppression systems, through a network of suitably trained partners.
The core of FirePro’s technology is their patented condensed aerosol generating solid compound, consisting of eco-friendly, naturally occurring potassium salts. FirePro agent is EPA-SNAP listed (Significant New Alternative Policy) as it does not contain any substances that may have a negative impact on the environment. Their dedication to sustainability and quality is attested by the number of international and local certificates, listings and approvals attained.
Head Office location: FirePro Systems Ltd
8 Faleas Street
Tel: +357 25 379999 Fax: +357 25 354432
Our other fire-safety companies

Saving lives through its advanced sensing technologies
Control panels for fire safety systems

Fire detectors for commercial and industrial applications

Preventing loss of life and catastrophic damage caused by fire

Keeping people safe from fire and dangerous gases
Specialised fire detection

Keeping people and equipment safe from fire
Remote fire alarm monitoring and management systems

Keeping people and their environment safe through wireless technology